
How To Create An Ami In Aws

In this blog, I am going to Create AMI from an EC2 Instance Amazon. I need to create a backup or launch multiple copies of an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance (Amazon EC2), or I obtained a maintenance notification proposing that I create an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) of my instance.

For more details please visit AWS

Create EC2 Instance in AWS

Login to the AWS account and then go to the AWS Services tab at the top left corner.

1- Click on EC2 under compute.

aws services tab

2- Click on Launch Instance button.

aws instance launch

3- Select Windows Server 2019 and then click next.

choose amazon machine image

4- Select the type of instance.
Click Next : Configure Instance Details.

aws choose an instance type

5- Type Number of instances – 1
Network – default.
Subnets – default.
Auto-assign Public IP – default
Click on Next : Add Storage.

aws configure instance details

6- Volume size – default 30Gb.
Add one more volume – 8GB
Click Next : Add Tags.

aws add storage

7- Add a tag
Click on Next : Configure Security Groups.

aws add tag

8- Configure Security Group.
Security group name – dmz-Security
Select Protocols – RDP, Source type Anywhere
Click on Review and Launch

aws configure security group

9- Click launch.

aws review instance launch

10- Select – Create a new key pair
Key pair name – server key pair
Select the download key pair button and then save it in your secured folder
After downloading key pair click launch instance.

aws download key pair

11- You can see its status as running after your instance is up and running.
Select instance (DC-Server) and then click connect.

aws launch instance connect

Create an AMI from an Amazon EC2 Instance

From the AWS EC2 Instances view, we can create Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) from either running or stopped instances. In this lab, I will stop my instance.

To create an AMI from an instance

1- Select your instance, click on action menu, select instance state and then select stop.

aws stop ec2 instance

2- Click Yes, Stop.

stop instance click yes

3- Select the instance you need to use as the basis for your AMI.

Select Action, select Image and then select Create Image from the context menu.

aws create image

4- Create Image context menu
Type a unique name and description, and then click on Create Image.

aws create image name

5- Create image request received click close.

aws create image request received

6- When the AMI first shows up, it will be in a pending state.

ami image pending state

7- Click on Refresh to see your AMI. In a few moments, it transitions to an available state.

aws amis image available state

8- Select snapshots under elastic block store.

amazon aws snapshots

9- You can see Snapshot.

amazon aws create snapshot

10- Select Instance, click on action menu, select instance state and then click terminate.

aws terminate ec2 instance

11- Terminate instance click Yes, Terminate.

aws terminate instance yes

To copy an AMI using the console

1- Now you can see after deleting instance we have no volume.

aws create volume

2- Select AMI under Image, AMIs to display the list of AMIs available to you in the Region.
Select the AMI (server-image) to copy. Select action menu, and then select Copy AMI.

aws copy ami

3- Destination region* – The Region where you want to copy the AMI.
Name – Type a name for AMI.
Description – By default, the description includes information about the source AMI so that we can distinguish a copy from its original. You can change description if required.
Encryption – Select checkbox to encrypt the target snapshots,
Master Key – choose the KMS key to use to encrypt the target snapshots.
We display the confirmation page to let you know that the copy operation has been launched and to provide you the ID of the new AMI. Click Copy AMI

aws copy ami

4- Select Done.

aws copy ami done

5- Initial status of the target AMI is pending.

aws image status pending

6- The operation is completed and the status is available.
Select the type of instance and then click on Launch

aws image status available

7- Click Next : Configure Instance details.

aws choose an instance type

8- Type Number of instances – 1
Network – default.
Subnets – default.
Auto-assign Public IP – default
Click on Next : Add Storage.

aws configure instance details

9- Now you can see the same settings.
Volume size – default 30Gb.
Add one more volume – 8GB
Click Next : Add Tags.
Click on Next : Configure Security Groups

aws add storage

10- Configure Security Group.
Assign a security group – Select an existing Security group and then select dmz-Security
Click on Review and Launch.

aws configure security group

11- Click launch.

aws review instance launch

12- Select – choose an existing key pair
Select a key pair – server key pair
Click launch instance.

aws download key pair

13- Once the instance is running and up, you can see its status as running.

aws launch instance connect

How To Create An Ami In Aws


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